jQuery konami code extension

GITHUB: http://github.com/soldair/jquery-konami-code-extension
git clone: http://github.com/soldair/jquery-konami-code-extension.git
This extension is designed to be light and only bind the global konami code key sequence event to the window.
What is the konami code? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konami_code
[up up,down down, left right, left right,b a]
trigger the konami code to see what happens
$(function(){ $.konami(function(){ var orig = $("#example").clone()[0]; $("#example").html("<h1>KONAMMMIIIII!!!!!!!!</h1>").css({background:'blue',color:'orange'}); setTimeout(function(){ $("#example").replaceWith(orig); },5000); }); });


/* * konami jQuery extension v0.1 * http://ryanday.org/konami * * Copyright (c) 2009 Ryan Day * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * * http://docs.jquery.com/License * * for another great implementation checkout * http://plugins.jquery.com/project/konami-code * */ //- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konami_code (function($){ $.extend($,{ konami:function fn(cb){ if(!fn.setup){ fn.setup = true; fn.callbacks = []; var buffer = ""; var code = "38384040373937396665"; var konami = function(ev){ var key = ev.keyCode || ev.which; if(key){ buffer += (key+''); if(buffer == code){ buffer = ""; $.each(fn.callbacks,function(k,v){ v.call(this,ev); }); } else if(code.indexOf(buffer) !== 0){ if(buffer.indexOf(key) == 0){ buffer = key; } else { buffer = ""; } } } } var lastDown; $(document).bind('keyup',function(ev){ if(ev.keyCode == lastDown){ lastDown = false; konami(ev); } }); $(document).bind('keydown',function(ev){ lastDown = ev.keyCode; }); } if(cb) fn.callbacks.push(cb); } }); })(jQuery);